Covering Enfield, North London, and surrounding areas.
A typical vehicle air conditioning system will lose an average of 10% (+/-) of its refrigerant gas annually through seepage at the seals, and as it gets older this rate of loss can increase.
Low levels of refrigerant gas will cause your system to work harder to try to cool your car and can increase your fuel consumption.
Your air conditioning is not part of your vehicle's service schedule, so, to greatly reduce the risk of problems with your system, it is advisable to have it serviced on a regular basis, just as you do with your engine. You can also further reduce the risk of potential problems by ensuring you use the system regularly, whatever the weather; this helps to stop the seals drying out (which can increase gas loss) and prevents possible corrosion developing in the system. Regular use will also reduce the likelihood of bad smells developing through bacterial and fungal growth on the evaporator. If your system is not currently working, there is a temptation to leave it until the warmer months, this may allow the system to deteriorate further and instead of a simple re-gas you could end up with costly repairs!
Did you know that your vehicle's air conditioning not only keeps you cool in the summer, but also helps to keep your windows demisted in the winter?
Most vehicle types using a standard R134a refrigerant system catered for including, Plant and Agricultural vehicles and Commercial vehicles.
**Now catering for newer vehicles with R1234yf gas**
Pre 1993 vehicles with an R12 system can be re-gassed with R134a to 80% of original R12 capacity.
Prices from £40 see Service page for details.
Please note: AutoReGas does not offer a repair service.
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